Oh Shit, I Lost Some Weight : 60 Lbs. in 60 Days (9781515073222)

Oh, Shit I Lost Some Weight is the story of the greatest fight of my life. My father passed away approximately a year after I published Fuck it, I'm Fat, and my entire world went spiraling out of control. I slipped into a deep and dark depression, and eventually gained back every pound I lost. Everything I learned about my food addiction went out the window. I abused food to cope with grief and nearly killed myself in the process. This book outlines the steps I took to pull myself out of the darkness and back into a healthy lifestyle.

Product details

  • Paperback | 76 pages
  • 139.7 x 215.9 x 4.57mm
  • English
  • 151507322X
  • 9781515073222

Download Oh Shit, I Lost Some Weight : 60 Lbs. in 60 Days (9781515073222).pdf, available at book002.dynamic-dns.net for free.



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